Its been awhile since I have posted anything. Mostly because I dont have a whole lot to say. I have been pretty bookish lately so I haven't really been doing a great job at keeping the blogs up to date. I figure I owe it to our fan to share some thoughts/ ideas. Here it is...
1. I have been on a crazy of reading experiance lately. Im not big on the Christian sub-culture but I think I might need some balance from a theology standpoint... Its easy to lose the ulitmate in the face of good.
2. I keep learning over and over again the power of leaning into conflict.
3. My brithday was awesome and my wife is amazing!
4. last a question: Is it bad that we are becoming a pure digital world?
5. This is the worst time in all of sports... No Hockey, no basketball, just some 15 million baseball games for the next 2 months. Im ready for something of subsance already.
Ok I know that was pretty random.