Thursday, June 4, 2009

Do Good while you search

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

Hey Everybody or nobody... Im not excatly sure who reads our blog.

 If you do or dont know the internet is big money. Every search, every click is a transaction and someone is getting paid. There are a ton of marketing dollars battling to find the right person to buy thier "thing". In case you have ever wondered marketing is why google is "free" to use but still churns significant profit.  

Good search

Good search started with the simple question "what if we used these dollars to give back to non-profits?" Its a very cool tag to create traffic and it would actually does good. I am a very heavy volume user (searcher) at work, in all honesty I research like a mad man. In any given month I'm likely to do over 1000 searches. When I factor in that I buy over two million dollars worth of material a year it balances and makes sense. 


One organization I support is called solidarity based in Fullerton. Good search is a really cool way I can donate to them that doesn't cost anything. Doing my job everyday and looking at the Internet I'm able to actually to do good. If you click the link on the top of my post it will take you to the good search page. I know The google habit is a hard one to break and I still do use it from time to time out of pure need but this works 90% of the time. One great way to do this is to make good search your home page. Also if you shop online at amazon, target etc. you can contribute just by using the "good store" there are even coupons.  I know these maybe small donations but why not at least give a little back while doing what you were planing on doing anyway. 

If you do decide to use this  I encourage you to give to an organization that has been hit by this current economic situation. Solidarity is awesome and if you have no ideas I'd encourage you to just go with that. Also if you don't have a job or you are searching for a new one think of using good search as a way to be generous while you hunt.


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